Why Is Kengan Ashura Animation So Bad?


Kengan Ashura is an anime series that has been met with mixed reviews, with many viewers criticizing its animation style. The show, which is based on a popular manga series of the same name, follows the story of a young fighter named Tokita Ohma as he battles his way through a series of intense martial arts tournaments. Despite its engaging plot and well-developed characters, many fans have been left disappointed by the quality of the show’s animation.

Understanding Kengan Ashura’s Animation Style is crucial to understanding why it has received so much criticism. The show’s animation is a combination of traditional hand-drawn techniques and computer-generated imagery (CGI). While this approach has been used successfully in other anime series, such as Attack on Titan and Knights of Sidonia, it has not been well-received in Kengan Ashura. Many fans have criticized the show’s use of CGI, citing issues with character designs, movement, and overall quality.

Criticism of Kengan Ashura’s Animation has been widespread, with many fans expressing their disappointment and frustration with the show’s visuals. Some have pointed to the poor quality of the CGI, while others have criticized the show’s use of still images and limited animation during fight scenes. Despite these criticisms, however, there are still many viewers who enjoy the show and appreciate its unique approach to animation.

Key Takeaways

  • Kengan Ashura’s animation style combines traditional hand-drawn techniques with CGI, but this approach has not been well-received by many fans.
  • Critics have pointed to issues with character designs, movement, and overall quality, as well as the show’s use of still images and limited animation during fight scenes.
  • Despite the criticism, there are still many viewers who enjoy the show and appreciate its unique approach to animation.

Understanding Kengan Ashura’s Animation Style

Kengan Ashura is a Japanese anime series that has been criticized for its poor animation quality. While some viewers appreciate the unique animation style, others find it unappealing and distracting. In this section, we will explore the reasons behind the show’s animation style and the use of CGI.

The Use of CGI

One of the most notable aspects of Kengan Ashura’s animation is the use of CGI. CGI, or computer-generated imagery, is a technique that involves creating digital images using computer software. In Kengan Ashura, CGI is used extensively to create the show’s action scenes.

The use of CGI in Kengan Ashura has been a point of contention among viewers. Some argue that it adds to the show’s unique style, while others find it jarring and distracting. One of the main issues with the show’s use of CGI is the lack of consistency. Some scenes are well-executed and fluid, while others are choppy and poorly animated.

Artistic Choices

Another factor that contributes to Kengan Ashura’s animation style is the artistic choices made by the show’s creators. The show’s visual style is heavily influenced by the manga it is based on, which features highly stylized character designs and exaggerated action sequences.

The show’s creators also made the decision to use a limited color palette, with most scenes featuring muted colors and dark shadows. This choice was made to create a gritty and intense atmosphere, but it can also make the animation feel flat and lifeless at times.

Overall, Kengan Ashura’s animation style is a matter of personal taste. While some viewers appreciate the show’s unique visual style, others find it unappealing and distracting. The use of CGI and artistic choices made by the show’s creators contribute to the animation style, but ultimately it is up to the viewer to decide whether or not they enjoy it.

Criticism of Kengan Ashura’s Animation

Kengan Ashura is a popular manga series that was adapted into an anime series. However, the anime adaptation has been heavily criticized for its animation quality. This section will discuss the criticisms of Kengan Ashura’s animation.

Comparison with Manga

One of the main criticisms of Kengan Ashura’s animation is that it does not live up to the quality of the manga. Fans of the manga have pointed out that the anime adaptation fails to capture the same level of detail and intensity as the source material. The animation has been described as stiff and lacking in fluidity, which can make the fight scenes less exciting and engaging.

Another issue with the animation is the use of CGI. While CGI can be used effectively in anime, the use of CGI in Kengan Ashura has been criticized for being too obvious and distracting. The CGI characters can look out of place and clash with the traditional 2D animation, which can be jarring for viewers.

Fan Reactions

The animation quality of Kengan Ashura has been a major topic of discussion among fans. Many fans have expressed disappointment with the animation quality, with some even calling it “unwatchable”. Some have pointed out that the animation quality improves as the series progresses, but others argue that the improvement is not enough to make up for the poor quality of the earlier episodes.

Despite the criticisms of the animation, some fans have still enjoyed the anime adaptation. Some have praised the fight scenes for being well choreographed and exciting, while others have enjoyed the voice acting and soundtrack.

In conclusion, the animation quality of Kengan Ashura has been a major point of criticism for the anime adaptation. While some fans have still enjoyed the series, many have been disappointed with the animation quality and believe that it does not live up to the quality of the manga.

Influence of Budget and Time Constraints

The quality of animation in Kengan Ashura has been a topic of debate among fans. Many viewers have criticized the animation quality, citing poor use of CGI and choppy animation. One of the primary reasons for the poor animation quality is the budget and time constraints that the production team faced.

Animation production is an expensive and time-consuming process. The production team has to create detailed character models, design backgrounds, and animate every frame of the show. With limited resources, the team had to make difficult choices about where to allocate their resources. As a result, the animation quality suffered in some areas.

Moreover, the production team had to work within tight time constraints. They had to create 24 episodes of the show on a tight schedule, leaving little room for revisions or improvements. As a result, some scenes may have been rushed or not given the attention they deserved.

Despite these challenges, the team behind Kengan Ashura did their best to create a compelling show. They made creative use of CGI to bring the characters to life and create dynamic fight scenes. While the animation quality may not be perfect, it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the production team.

In conclusion, the budget and time constraints faced by the production team of Kengan Ashura had a significant impact on the animation quality of the show. While the animation may not be perfect, it is important to recognize the challenges faced by the production team and appreciate the effort that went into creating the show.

The Role of Animation Studios

Animation studios play a crucial role in the creation of animated shows, and Kengan Ashura is no exception. The studio responsible for the animation of Kengan Ashura is LARX ENTERTAINMENT. According to an interview with the director of the show, Seiji Kishi, the decision to use 3D animation was made to create a full-fledged martial arts anime. While 3D animation can be a powerful tool, it can also be challenging to execute correctly.

One of the main issues with the animation in Kengan Ashura is the use of CGI. Many fans have criticized the show’s animation, stating that it looks stiff and unnatural. While it’s true that some of the animation can be jarring, it’s essential to keep in mind that creating 3D animation is a complicated process that requires a lot of time and resources.

Another issue with the animation in Kengan Ashura is the pacing. Some fans have criticized the show for being too slow, while others have complained that the pacing is too fast. Finding the right balance between fast and slow pacing can be challenging, and it’s possible that the animation studio struggled to find the right pacing for the show.

Overall, the animation studio plays a crucial role in the creation of an animated show, and their decisions can have a significant impact on the final product. While some fans may be disappointed with the animation in Kengan Ashura, it’s essential to keep in mind that creating 3D animation is a challenging process that requires a lot of time and resources.

Impact on Storytelling and Character Development

The Kengan Ashura anime has received criticism for its poor animation quality, but the impact of this issue extends beyond just the visuals. The animation quality affects the storytelling and character development of the series as well.

One of the main issues with the animation is the cutting of important scenes and character development. As one Reddit user pointed out, “they turned [Gozo vs Waka] into a 15 second OHKO fight” and cut out “a LOT of little interactions between the characters that went a long way to flesh out both the fighters and the employers.” This lack of attention to detail and character development can make it difficult for viewers to fully engage with the story and its characters.

Furthermore, the poor animation quality can also negatively impact fight scenes, which are a major aspect of the series. Without proper animation, it can be difficult to follow the flow and impact of the fights, which detracts from the excitement and intensity of the battles.

Overall, the poor animation quality of Kengan Ashura not only affects the visuals, but also the storytelling and character development. By cutting important scenes and interactions, the series loses some of its depth and can make it difficult for viewers to fully engage with the story and its characters.

The Future of Kengan Ashura’s Animation

Kengan Ashura’s animation has received a lot of criticism for its poor quality. However, there is still hope for the future of this anime. Here are some potential ways that the animation could improve:

Better Animation Studio

One of the main reasons for Kengan Ashura’s poor animation quality is the animation studio that produced it. The first season was produced by Larx Entertainment, which is a relatively new studio with limited experience in producing anime. The second season was produced by TMS Entertainment, which is a more established studio but still struggled to improve the animation quality. If Kengan Ashura is renewed for a third season, it may be worth considering a different animation studio with more experience and a better track record.

More Time and Resources

Another factor that could improve Kengan Ashura’s animation is more time and resources. The first and second seasons were both released within a year of each other, which may not have been enough time to produce high-quality animation. If the production team is given more time and resources, they may be able to produce better animation for future seasons.

Focus on Key Scenes

Kengan Ashura’s animation quality was inconsistent throughout the series. Some scenes were well-animated, while others were poorly animated. To improve the animation quality, the production team could focus on key scenes and allocate more resources to those scenes. This would ensure that the most important scenes are well-animated and would make the overall animation quality more consistent.

Listen to Feedback

Finally, the production team could listen to feedback from fans and critics and make changes accordingly. Many fans have expressed their disappointment with the animation quality, and the production team could use this feedback to improve future seasons. By taking feedback into account, the production team could ensure that the animation quality meets the expectations of fans and critics alike.

Overall, the future of Kengan Ashura’s animation is uncertain, but there are ways to improve it. By considering a different animation studio, providing more time and resources, focusing on key scenes, and listening to feedback, the production team could produce higher quality animation for future seasons.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some criticisms of the animation in Kengan Ashura?

One of the main criticisms of the animation in Kengan Ashura is the use of 3D CGI animation. Some fans have complained that the animation looks stiff and lacks the fluidity of traditional 2D animation. Others have criticized the character designs, saying that they are too simplistic and lack detail.

What impact has the animation had on the popularity of Kengan Ashura?

While the animation has been a point of contention among some fans, it has not had a significant impact on the popularity of the series. Kengan Ashura has a dedicated fanbase that appreciates the series for its unique characters, intense fight scenes, and engaging story.

Are there any redeeming qualities to the animation in Kengan Ashura?

Despite the criticisms, there are some redeeming qualities to the animation in Kengan Ashura. The fight scenes are well choreographed and showcase the unique fighting styles of each character. Additionally, the use of 3D CGI animation allows for dynamic camera angles and more complex movements that would be difficult to achieve with traditional 2D animation.

How does the animation in Kengan Ashura compare to other anime in the same genre?

Compared to other anime in the martial arts genre, the animation in Kengan Ashura is generally considered to be below average. While the use of 3D CGI animation is not uncommon in anime, it is often criticized for looking stiff and lacking the fluidity of traditional 2D animation.

What challenges did the animators face when creating Kengan Ashura?

The animators faced several challenges when creating Kengan Ashura. One of the biggest challenges was how to accurately portray the unique fighting styles of each character. Additionally, the use of 3D CGI animation required a different approach to animation and camera work than traditional 2D animation.

What can be done to improve the animation quality in future seasons of Kengan Ashura?

To improve the animation quality in future seasons of Kengan Ashura, the animators could consider using a combination of 2D and 3D animation. This would allow for more fluid movements and more detailed character designs. Additionally, the animators could focus on improving the facial expressions and body language of the characters to better convey emotion and personality.