How to see the exact number of followers on Instagram?

how to see the exact number of followers on instagram

Social media sites like Instagram are a good way to earn money. Though these sites were initially launched as a bridge to connect people and share their posts, they have now become a suitable channel for marketing business. All of is it directly linked with the number of followers you have. So, it is very necessary if you are an influencer or a brand representative to know how many followers you have. Rather you must be able to see the exact number of followers on Instagram. However, similar to Twitter, Instagram doesn’t show the exact number of followers. You must have noticed this too.

If you have more than 10k followers, Instagram starts to round off the value to the nearest hundreds, and particularly towards the downside. This means that if you have 11900 followers, Instagram will show it as 11.9k followers. In any event, when you are signed in to your account and taking a peek at your profile, you will see a rounded figure. On the off chance that you have over 1,000,000 followers, Instagram will adjust down to the closest hundred thousand. It means obviously that you could be under-assessing your follower check by up to a hundred thousand!

So how can you keep up with your follower count in realtime? How can you see the exact number of followers on Instagram? Turns out there are a few ways to do this. Let’s see what they are.

Instagram Insights

how to see the exact number of followers on instagram

This is probably the most straightforward method that you can use to see the exact number of followers on Instagram. It works in the app only and if you have a Business account on Instagram. So it is not available for all to use as you can see. This is its only drawback. It can be used simply as follows:

  • Ensure you have a Business Account on Instagram. If not upgrade to one.
  • Open the app, check your profile.
  • Then go to the Insights option.
  • Click on Audience and you’ll see the exact number of followers you have.

Also Read: Can I look at a Facebook page anonymously?

Via the page source

The method of using Instagram Insights work only when you want to see the exact number of followers on your Instagram account. But if you wish to do the same for someone else’s account, the method is completely useless. The one that we are discussing now can be used to see your own as well as others exact followers on Instagram. Follow the above steps to use the method.

  • Open the user’s Instagram page in a browser and look up the page source. There are two ways to do this. One way is to right-click anywhere on the page and select the ‘View page source’ option. Another method is to use a keyboard shortcut by pressing ‘CTRL+U’.
  • Once the page source opens, press ‘CTRL+F’ to search.
  • In the search option, enter the following, ‘edge_followed_by’.
  • This content should just be discovered once in the source code. The number very quickly a while later is the user’s follower tally.

Via Browser developer tools

You can likewise use the browser developer tools to see the exact number of followers on Instagram. Here’s how to do it using Chrome’s DevTools (different browsers and different tools are accessible):

  • Go to the Instagram account’s profile page in Chrome
  • Press F12 to raise the DevTools board
  • In DevTools, click on the ‘select element’ symbol (or use the console shortcut Ctr+Shift+C)
  • Drift over the follower tally (the number precisely, not the word ‘followers’) on the profile page.
  • If you’ve done it right, a specific follower count appears in the accessibility section.

These are some useful methods that you can use to see the exact number of followers on Instagram. Remember that though all of them can be used how they work varies depending on whether you are using the Instagram app or opening Instagram on a browser. Now you know how to keep a track of your follower count while you grow an art page or brand page.