How to practice Consent and what it means?

How to practice consent and what it means

Consent Is Respecting Boundaries Consent is setting and respecting physical and emotional boundaries for yourself and others. A great example if a child refuses to hug, they are not offering their consent and have every right to do so! Strong minds, strong kids.

Consent Is An Invitation To Speak Up Boundaries are fluid and ever-changing as your child matures and decides how he wants to be treated. Model the behavior you want to see knock before entering, enforce bathroom privacy and minimize interruptions when speaking. Consent Is Taking “No” For a solution during a society where winning is everything and determination is revered, respectful boundary setting and consent teach our youngsters that folks around us have different boundaries, and it’s OK for them to line those boundaries.

Right ways of seeking consent:

How to practice consent and what it means

  • WILLING CLEAR Consent is active. It’s expressed through words or actions that make mutually understandable permission. Consent isn’t implied, and therefore the absence of a no isn’t a yes. Silence is NOT consent. “I’m unsure,” “I don’t know,” Maybe”, and similar phrases aren’t consent
  • WILLING COHERENT People incapacitated by drugs or alcohol cannot consent. Someone who cannot make rational, reasonable decisions because they cannot know the “who, what, when, where, why, or how” of things cannot consent. People who are asleep or in another vulnerable position cannot consent.
  • WILLING Consent is never given under pressure. Consent isn’t obtained through psychological or emotional manipulation. Consent can’t be obtained through physical violence or threat. Someone in an unstable power situation (i.e. someone under your authority) cannot consent.
  • ONGOING Consent must be granted every time. Consent must be obtained at each step of physical intimacy. If someone consents to one sexual activity, she or he may or may not t to go.

Wrong ways of seeking consent:

  • The absence of “no” means “yes.”
  • It’s OK to kiss or touch someone I’m with sexually whenever I think the time is right
  • Unless or until a person says “no” or “stop,” I have the green light to continue.
  • If the person doesn’t say “no” or “stop,” I can continue touching that person in an increasingly intimate way.
  • If the person does say “no” or “stop” or moves my hand away, it’s OK for me to try again because maybe he/she will change his/her mind.
  • If another person and I have done certain things in the past, it’s OK to assume I can always expect to do them in the future.
  • Males are expected to make the “first move.” > Right ways to seek consent
  • ONLY “yes” means “yes.”
  • I cannot assume it’s OK unless I ask first and the person verbally says, “yes.”
  • The absence of “no” is not at all the same thing as permission.
  • I can’t assume that’s OK unless I ask, and the person says “yes.”
  • “No” should be taken at face value
  • A person has a right to change his/her mind about participating in any sexual behavior at any time.